The Arrow, the Shield and the Wound

You cannot predict when an arrow will strike you.

You cannot predict where it will strike you.

And you cannot predict the speed at which it will strike you.

But you can control the amount of pain that it will inflect and the wound. You can work on a creating a shield.

Arrows coming at you are events happening in life that you that you are exposed to in your everyday life.

They are external. Out of your control. And always there.

But you decide how badly you will suffer. You are the architect of the shield.

The quality of your shield is internal. It is with your control. It might take a while to create a good shield. Like other great works of our it will be unique and just for you.


The associated physical emotions (the cry, the laugh, the scream) are just a by-products of events, often happening reactively. Observing emotions are useful tools by which you can observe or measure change as you go through your own journey of “no-mind”. But nothing more than that. A mere side-show.