Pleasure of finding things out for yourself

Large part of our day is spent consuming information: incoming emails, calls, newspaper stories, pings and alerts on our phones, social media posts, blogs, conversations with colleagues and friends, radio, internet, TV… A constant fire hose is dictating our thoughts and shaping our worldview.

It is only when we put all of those things aside and sit in silence that we can begin to think clearly and for ourselves. This is when we can bring to the surface the assumptions that were formed by listening to others. It is only then that we can properly digest our thoughts and form new ones.

It is also then that we can deeply focus and research a topic that interests us. We can sharpen our curiosity and go deep down a “rabbit hole.”

To be really great at something, we have to learn to figure it out ourselves. We cannot rely on prescriptions and to-do lists, or the fire hose of information that we are used to.

We should learn to cultivate quiet time and make space in our day for this activity. It can take many forms: reading in a beautiful study at home, taking a long walk in the forest, or spending an afternoon in a local library. It will pay great rewards.