What Games Are you Playing

It is useful to think about the (life) games you are playing.

  1. In a best case scenario:

You have given this some thought. You know yourself well enough and are honest with yourself to identify the game / games you are playing.

The game (or games) you are playing need to have an start and an end date and not last forever.

  1. There needs to be a clear milestone which when you reached the ‘end’ the game.

  2. Your desires in life are linked to the games you are playing. You are very concious of those all desires and notice when a new desire resurfaces.

  3. A desire that falls outside of the game/games is acknolewdged and discounted.

But hang on a sec. What do we mean by games?

Examples of ‘life games’ can include: the game of fame, the game of being rich, the game of accumulating luxuries, the game of ego, the game of looking good, the game of being attractive to others, the career ladder game etc. Some games are played subconciously, without us even realising them. Some people appaer play many games at once, have many overriding desires.

What games are you playing?